Shocks and Struts
Shocks and struts are pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders that dampen ride motions and keep your tires firmly in contact with the road. They are critical to the safe operation of your vehicle, as they control the up and down motions you experience while driving down the road. We’ve all seen a car “bouncing”…

Timing Belt
A timing belt is an internal engine belt or chain that tells the valvetrain of your engine what to do based upon the events of the crankshaft and pistons. It controls the intake and exhaust valves, creating just the right amount of gases in the cylinder for…

Transmission Repair and Service
Every day, your transmission works hard to keep you and your car on the go. The fluid that lubricates all of the transmission’s moving parts works just as hard as the transmission and should be changed as recommended. Over time, that fluid may get contaminated or lose…

Water Pump Replacement
The water pump is the heart of your engines cooling system. It is turned by a belt (either the exterior serpentine belt, or internal timing belt) and circulates the coolant through the engine, heater, and radiator. The pump usually has a pulley on a shaft, which rides…